(review in english after the portuguese one)
Aviso Legal: Este livro foi-me enviado pela autora em troca de uma resenha honesta. Todas as opiniões expressas nesta resenha são completamente minhas.
Sinopse: Some secrets are worth killing forThe ancient city of Kepos sits in an isolated valley, cut off from the outside world by a towering wall. Behind it, the souls of the dead clamour for release. Or so the priesthood says.Kala has never had any reason to doubt their word - until her father dies in suspicious circumstances that implicate the city's high priest. She's determined to investigate, but she has a more immediate problem: the laws of the city require her mother to remarry straight away.Kala's new stepfather is a monster, but his son Leon is something altogether more dangerous: kind.With her family fractured and the investigation putting her life in danger, the last thing Kala needs is romance. She would rather ignore Leon entirely, however difficult he makes it. But when she learns the truth of what really clamours behind the wall at the end of the valley, she faces a choice: share what she knows and jeopardise her escape, or abandon him to his fate along with the rest of the city.If she doesn't move fast, then no one will make it out of the valley alive.
O livro The Wolf and the Water é um young adult histórico que nos traz a história de Kepos (Atlantis) sob o olhar de Kala, filha de um líder de uma tribo recentemente falecido, que possui uma deficiência física que a torna alvo de desprezo pela comunidade.
Depois da estranha morte do pai, Kala teme pela sua segurança e pelo seu futuro, principalmente, tendo em conta que a mãe terá que voltar a casar para dar um herdeiro à tribo.
Quando a mãe escolhe o seu pretendente, nós, leitores, tememos por Kala, porque o padrasto é um homem abusivo, vil e muito violento. No entanto, tem um filho, Leon, que acaba por ser um anjo para guarda de Kala.
The Wolf and The Water é uma história de segredos, misoginia, escravatura, preconceito, coragem, superação e força.
Para quem segue o que publico, já reparou que não é a primeira vez que trago para este espaço um livro desta autora. Estou habituada a ler as suas histórias de vampiros, por isso quando vi The Wolf And The Water, um livro baseado na lenda da Atlântida, fiquei muito curiosa por ser completamente diferente do tipo de histórias que a Josie nos apresenta.
Fiquei muito surpreendida com esta história! Adorei toda a construção do cenário sob o qual a história se desenvolve, adorei o contexto político do livro e que os capítulos tivessem o nome/descrição das tribos enquadrando-nos nesse contexto.
Gostei, acima de tudo, de The Wolf and The Water por ter sido imprevisível. Não consegui adivinhar muitos dos acontecimentos e gostei da forma como as personagens evoluíram e criaram vínculos de amizade e amor entre si.
O único aspeto que posso considerar negativo é que não senti aquele build-up até ao clímax do livro. Sabíamos o que se avizinhava, mas senti que faltou uma revelação bombástica que me deitasse ao chão.
O final fez-me ficar super curiosa para o próximo livro. Que novas aventuras no mundo dos Deluge a Josie Jaffrey nos trará? Mal posso esperar por saber como continuará a série.
Classificação: ★★★★☆ (4/5)
Com amor, Brenda
In English:
Synopsis: Some secrets are worth killing forThe ancient city of Kepos sits in an isolated valley, cut off from the outside world by a towering wall. Behind it, the souls of the dead clamour for release. Or so the priesthood says.Kala has never had any reason to doubt their word - until her father dies in suspicious circumstances that implicate the city's high priest. She's determined to investigate, but she has a more immediate problem: the laws of the city require her mother to remarry straight away.Kala's new stepfather is a monster, but his son Leon is something altogether more dangerous: kind.With her family fractured and the investigation putting her life in danger, the last thing Kala needs is romance. She would rather ignore Leon entirely, however difficult he makes it. But when she learns the truth of what really clamours behind the wall at the end of the valley, she faces a choice: share what she knows and jeopardise her escape, or abandon him to his fate along with the rest of the city.If she doesn't move fast, then no one will make it out of the valley alive.
Disclaimer: Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
The Wolf and the Water is a historical young adult that brings us the story of Kepos (Atlantis) through the eyes of Kala, the daughter of a recently deceased tribe leader, who has a physical disability that makes her the target of disdain by the community.
After her father's strange death, Kala fears for her safety and her future, especially given that her mother will have to remarry to give the tribe a male heir.
When the mother chooses her suitor, we readers fear for Kala, because her stepfather is an abusive, vile and very violent man. However, he has a son, Leon, who ends up becoming Kala's guardian angel.
The Wolf and The Water is a story of secrets, misogyny, slavery, prejudice, courage, resilience and strength.
For those who follow what I publish here, you have already noticed that this is not the first time that I bring a book by Josie Jaffrey to this space. I'm used to her vampire stories, so when I saw The Wolf And The Water, a book based on the legend of Atlantis, I was very curious because it was completely different from the stories that Josie introduced us to.
I was very surprised by this story! I loved the entire construction of the setting under which the story unfolds. I loved all of the political aspects of the book and that the chapters had the name and description of the tribes.
Above all I liked The Wolf and The Water because it was unpredictable. I couldn't guess many of the events and I loved the way the characters evolved and created bonds of friendship and love with each other.
The only thing I can consider negative is that I didn't feel that build-up until the climax of the story. We knew what lay ahead, but I felt that there was a lack of a spark, some revelation that would put me to the ground.
The ending made me super curious for the next book. What new adventures in the world of Deluge will Josie Jaffrey bring us? I can't wait to see how the series will continue!
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