quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2023

Judgement Day (Seekers #2) | Josie Jaffrey

(review in english after the portuguese one) 

Sinopse: Vampires don't get happily ever afters.

Jack Valentine finally has her shit together. She has a great job, great friends (well, one at least) and a girlfriend whom she loves, even if she can't work up the courage to tell her that yet. Unfortunately, she also has an archnemesis who's about to punish her crimes in the worst possible way: by making her spend time with him.

Which she could cope with, maybe, if she didn't have problems at work as well. When the body of a human judge is found in a locked library, there's no denying that she was murdered by one of the Silver – by a vampire – and the evidence points worryingly close to home. If that wasn't bad enough, some of Jack's least favourite people are opening a new blood bar in Oxford with questionable motives. For Jack and her team, it's becoming increasingly hard to separate allies from enemies.

With conspiracies on every side, the simmering tensions in Silver society are about to come to a head. As usual, Jack intends to be right in the middle of it. She does like it when things get messy.

Judgement Day is the second book in Josie Jaffrey’s Seekers series, an urban fantasy series set in Oxford, England.

Compra o livro: Amazon

Agradeço à autora pela cedência deste ebook em troca de uma opinião honesta. 😊

Judgment Day é o segundo livro da série Seekers (opinião do primeiro livro - May Day - AQUI) e foi uma surpresa!

Teve um início lento e "demasiado policial" para o meu gosto, contudo, cheio de determinadas situações que nos levam a ficar curiosos com o rumo que a história vai tomar.

Então, para um pouco de enquadramento: A Jacqueline “Jack” Valentine é Silver (vampira) há 20 anos, mas em anos de vampira ainda é considerada novata. A Jack trabalha nos Seekers, um género de polícia judiciária dos vampiros, cujo propósito é manter em segredo dos humanos a existência destes seres sobrenaturais.

Adoro que a Jack seja uma mulher forte e independente, mas que por outro lado ainda se debata com aquilo que quer para a sua vida e que isso a faça estar constantemente a crescer e a aprender com os seus erros. 

E o slow burn? Uii 

Se no livro passado já ficámos agarrados ao fantástico triângulo amoroso da Jack com o Drake e a Tabitha, neste livro ficamos completamente indecisos sobre quem devemos shipar com a Jack.

Adoro este mundo e a forma como é tudo criado! E mais: quando li este livro tinha acabado de ler a saga Solis Invicti, cuja história se passa depois da série Seekers, e estava com um pó ao Benedict que não podia nem ver a menção a esta criatura que já me enervava...! É por isso que considero a escrita da Josie extremamente envolvente, sou capaz de sentir tanta empatia e carinho por umas personagens e ódio extremo por outras!

Com este livro conseguimos suspeitar quem dará a cara no próximo livro e como se intrometerá na vida de Jack e estou empolgadíssima para ler essa continuação (para quando Josie?). 

Aviso para quem tem kindle unlimited: este livro está disponível gratuitamente lá.

Classificação: ★★☆ (4/5)

Com amor, Brenda

Review in english:

Buy this book: Amazon

Disclaimer: Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Sinopse: Vampires don't get happily ever afters.

Jack Valentine finally has her shit together. She has a great job, great friends (well, one at least) and a girlfriend whom she loves, even if she can't work up the courage to tell her that yet. Unfortunately, she also has an archnemesis who's about to punish her crimes in the worst possible way: by making her spend time with him.

Which she could cope with, maybe, if she didn't have problems at work as well. When the body of a human judge is found in a locked library, there's no denying that she was murdered by one of the Silver – by a vampire – and the evidence points worryingly close to home. If that wasn't bad enough, some of Jack's least favourite people are opening a new blood bar in Oxford with questionable motives. For Jack and her team, it's becoming increasingly hard to separate allies from enemies.

With conspiracies on every side, the simmering tensions in Silver society are about to come to a head. As usual, Jack intends to be right in the middle of it. She does like it when things get messy.
Judgement Day is the second book in Josie Jaffrey’s Seekers series, an urban fantasy series set in Oxford, England.
Thank you to the author for giving me this ecopy in exchange for an honest opinion. 😊

Judgment Day is the second book in the Seekers series (first book review HERE) and it was a surprise!

It had a slow and "too policial novel" start for my taste, however, this book was full of certain situations that make us curious about the direction that this story will take.

So for a little background: Jacqueline “Jack” Valentine has been Silver (vampire) for 20 years, but in vampire years she's still considered a rookie. Jack works for the Seekers, kind of a Vampire CSI whose purpose is to keep the existence of these supernatural beings a secret from humans.

I love that Jack is a strong and independent woman, but that on the other hand she is still struggling with what she wants for her life and the way she's constantly growing and learning from her mistakes.

And the slow burn? wow 

If in the first book we were already attached to the fantastic love triangle of Jack, Drake and Tabitha, in this book we are completely undecided about which couple we ship.

I love this world and the way everything is created! When I read this book, I had just finished reading the Solis Invicti saga, whose story takes place after the Seekers series, and I was in awe of Benedict that I couldn't even see the mention of this creature that was already getting on my nerves...! That's why I find Josie's writing extremely engaging, I'm able to feel so much empathy and affection for some characters and extreme hatred for others!

With this book we managed to suspect who will appear in the next book and how it will meddle in Jack's life and I am very excited to read the sequel (when can we expect the third book, Josie?).

This book (as well as the first one: May Day) is available on kindle unlimited.

Rating: ★★☆ (4/5)

With love, Brenda